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Elden Ring DLC Bleed Build 1.13: Best Stats, Weapons, Armor, Talismans, Incantations and More

Tag:Build Guide
8/8/2024 11:15:06 AM

Which builds benefit from the recent update in Elden Ring? Centered around one of the most insane weapons in the Shadow of the Erdtree now, here we want to recommend an Elden Ring DLC Bleed Build after Patch 1.13 with a budget but powerful setup.


Best Elden Ring 1.13 DLC Bleed Build Guide

This is a powerful level 150 Elden Ring 1.13 bleed build for Shadow of the Erdtree DLC with great damage potential and cost-effectiveness. This build focuses on maximizing the potential of the newly buffed Rakshasa’s Great Katana, a Dexterity scaling weapon with a unique Weed Cutter skill that has been improved for faster slashes and increased damage scaling. With the buff, the weapon has become a more viable choice for both original boss fights and DLC fights with shorter windows.

1. Build Pros

- A good amount of damage with the buff to Weed Cutter.

- High bleed buildup for additional damage.

- A great moveset for a Great Katana, with a charged heavy attack that big range.

- Increased damage with the armor and incantations.

- Relatively low cost of gear.


2. Build Cons

- Health drain with the Flask of Wondrous Physick.

- High stamina usage with Weed Cutter combos.

- Potential input delay with Weed Cutter attacks.


3. Stats (Level 150)

The weapon has a very vertical or thrusting moveset, with a charged heavy that has great range. Focus on the Dexterity to increase the weapon’s damage output, and strength should be kept at a minimum of 12 to wield the weapon. Vigor is another big point for increasing health points, while some Endurance points are required to increase stamina. Arcane is for the buildup of blood loss.

- Vigor 60

- Mind 16

- Endurance 25

- Strength 14

- Dexterity 78

- Intelligence 9

- Faith 25

- Arcane 7


4. Equipment

  • Right-hand Weapon: Rakshasa’s Great Katana +10 & Weed Cutter

In Patch 1.13, the weapon skill of Rakshasa’s Great Katana gets an increased speed of attacks, which improves the scaling of damage with successive hits and allows for more consistent burst damage.

Utilizing Weed Cutter enables you to significantly successive hit chains by spamming L2, each time you press it, you get two hits off. The follow-up hits are slightly faster than the initial windup, be aware of input delay and avoid pressing L2 too many times to avoid being caught off guard.


  • Left-hand Slot: Frenzied Flame Seal +10

Frenzied Flame Seal is used because it weighs nothing and has no requirements, it is a lightweight option that allows for more flexibility in other aspects of the build.


  • Incantations

Golden Vow offers damage increase and extra defense. Flame Grant Me Strength provides damage boost, and Bestial Vitality is recommended for minor healing over time.


  • Armor

White Mask increases attack power when blood loss occurs nearby, which will happen frequently with the Rakshasa’s Great Katana. The Ragged Set is a popular choice in meta builds because it provides a significant damage increase, but has lower damage negation compared to other sets in its weight class.

White Mask

Rakshasa Greaves

Rakshasa Armor

Rakshasa Gauntlets


  • Talismans

Shard of Alexander: increases the damage of Weed Cutter.

Lord of Blood’s Exultation: raises attack power by 20% for 20 seconds when Blood Loss occurs nearby.

Millicent’s Prosthesis: boosts dexterity, Two-Handed Sword Talisman can be used as an alternative for this slot.

Rotten Winged Sword Insignia: raises attack power for each consecutive hit.


  • Flask of Wondrous Physick

Bloodsucking Cracked Tear: increases attack power but drains HP.

Thorny Cracked Tear: boosts successive attack power.


  • Great Rune

Malenia’s Great Rune recovers health after damage is taken, this can counteract the negatives of the armor and blood loss, keeping you sustained throughout fights and maximizing damage.


This bleed build for Elden Ring 1.13 boasts high damage potential and successive attack power boost, allowing for devastating four to eight-hit combos against any boss. However, it is important to manage the health drain from the Wondrous Physick and be cautious of input delay with Weed Cutter attacks.