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Elden Ring DLC 1.13 Best Weapons (Builds) Tier List

Tag:Build GuideGear GuideStarter Guide
8/2/2024 4:06:52 PM

With the Nerfs and buffs from the 1.13 post patch, which weapons can deal the highest damage in Elden Ring DLC now? Here we've sorted out a new tier list for ranking the top 15 best weapons in Shadow of the Erdtree!

Top 15 Highest DPS Weapon Ranked in Elden Ring Shadow of Erdree After 1.13 Patch

The recent updates have significantly changed the landscape, making previously mediocre weapons much more viable. This list is strictly for PVE purposes and ranks the top 15 DLC weapons. Let's get started!

Top 1 - Bloodfiend's Arm

This heavy weapon remains untouched and highly effective. Bloodfiend's Arm excels in high damage and bleed buildup, making it a top choice for staggering and damaging enemies. Its reliable performance and super-effective charged heavy attacks keep it firmly in the S+ tier.

Top 2 - Euphoria

Euphoria has seen significant improvements, making it one of the best weapons in the game. The patch has reduced the number of attacks needed to build up its holy buff, increased the buff's duration, and enhanced the weapon skill's damage. These changes make Euphoria incredibly powerful and easy to use, solidifying its place at the top of the tier list.

Top 3 - Fals

The Fals has received a buff to its unique skill, Revenger's Blade, enhancing directional control for follow-up attacks. This improvement makes the weapon easier to use while maintaining its high DPS potential. Although it may not compete with weapons like the Bandit's Curved Sword, it remains a top contender among DLC weapons.

Top 4 - Backhand Blades

The Backhand Blades retain their S tier status despite nerfs to Swift Slash. Blind Spot, the preferred PVE option, remains highly effective with its iframes and thrust poke. This allows players to dodge attacks and maintain successive hits, keeping these blades as a great choice for PVE.

Top 5 - Claws of Night

Despite a vague patch note, the Claws of Night remains a top-tier weapon. Their standing light attack combo and effective bleed buildup, combined with the scattershot throw skill, make them highly effective. The weapon excels in both close-range combat and ranged punish, maintaining its high rating.

Top 6 - Sword of Night

Excelling in successive hit buildup, the Sword of Night Katana features a unique skill that performs a triple combo with a delayed powerful hit. This katana offers effective lunging attacks and gap closers, requiring precise timing and skill to maximize its potential. Its unchanged status in the latest patch keeps it at the bottom of the top tier but still a strong choice.

Top 7 - Fire Knight's Greatsword

This colossal sword continues to impress with its physical and fire damage combination. Its unique skills, such as Flame Spear, provide excellent range and stagger potential, enhancing its overall damage output. Although not the highest DPS weapon, its reliability and ease of use in various scenarios keep it highly rated.

Top 8 - Death Knight's Longhalf Axe

Combining physical and lightning damage, the Death Knight's Longhalf Axe excels with its quick four-hit light attack combo and horizontal charged heavies. Its unique skill, Blink Bolt, provides iframes and a powerful follow-up attack, enhancing its utility and making it a strong, versatile option.

Top 9 - Mady

Mady, a light great sword, benefits from increased damage to its charged attacks. The weapon is best used with Wing Stance, which offers a leaping thrust with great stagger potential. Despite needing further improvements for its basic combos, Mady remains a solid choice with good damage, reach, and an enjoyable playstyle.

Top 10 - Red Bear's Claw

This fist weapon has received a notable buff, increasing the attack power and Poise value of its unique skill, Red Bear Hun. The improved triple-hit combo and base bleed buildup make it much more competitive. While it may not surpass traditional fist weapons like the Star Fist, its enhanced stagger potential and damage output make it a serious contender in the DLC weapon lineup.

Top 11 - Great Katana Rasses

The Great Katana Rasses has been significantly improved by increasing the speed of its unique weapon skill, Weed Cutter. This buff enhances the weapon's ability to perform successive horizontal strikes, making it stronger and more viable. However, its playstyle, which involves trading hits with enemies, remains risky, particularly in high-level content.

Top 12 - Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword

This colossal sword, with a strength and Arcane mix, stands out for its high damage and stagger potential. Its unique skill allows for a thrust and dash forward followed by an explosive attack, making it a reliable and easy-to-use weapon. Although not the most standout weapon, its consistent performance and cool design keep it firmly in the best weapon group.

Top 13 - Messmer Soldier's Spear

Known for its long-range multi-hit combo, the Messmer Soldier's Spear specializes in building up stagger and dealing solid damage through powerful heavy attacks. While it has fallen from A to B tier due to its unchanged status in the latest patch, its ability to perform long-range pokes remains valuable. However, it struggles against faster weapons in terms of stagger buildup speed.

Top 14 - Sword of Light and Sword of Darkness

These two straight swords excel in holy damage, with the Sword of Light providing a body buff that increases holy damage output, useful in holy builds. The Sword of Darkness, while less practical due to its need for active use in combat, still holds value. Although their scaling remains unchanged in the patch, these swords are contextually underrated and could see significant improvements with future buffs.

Top 15 - Horned Warrior's Greatsword

The Horned Warrior's Greatsword, a curved great sword, has been brought into focus due to its unique skill, Horn Calling Storm, which executes a multi-hit combo with a storm caller effect. Despite its decent range and improved attack power in the latest patch, it remains hindered by the lack of Poise protection, making it difficult to complete its long combo without interruption. This limitation keeps the weapon in the C tier, although its damage potential is now more respectable.