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Best Diablo 4 Season 5 Druid Build with Changes - Endgame DPS Buid in D4 S5

Tag:Diablo 4Diablo 4 SeasonDruid Build Guide
7/25/2024 11:51:40 AM

After reviewing the most recent updates and changes to the Druid class in Diablo 4, we are thrilled to reveal the best D4 Season 5 Druid build with high DPS that is suitable for the endgame. We’ll cover the build pros, cons, gear, gems, skills, spirit boons, and more details.


Best Diablo 4 Season 5 Druid Build with Changes - Endgame DPS Build in D4 S5

The changes to Druid make the class more viable in the next season, here we want to introduce a competitive endgame DPS build option for Diablo 4 Season 5 Druid.

D4 Season 5 Druid Changes (Skills and Uniques)

- Cataclysm: more consistently hits enemies with its strikes.

- Boulder: Damage increased from 46% to 70%.

- Rabies: Natural Rabies is now the baseline and increases Rabies' spread distance by 70%.

- Blood Howl: Now baseline tagged as a Shout skill.

- Greatstaff of the Crone

[80 - 100]% Critical Strike Damage

[207 - 270]% Damage to Close Enemies

Storm Strike Chains to 2 Targets

+[2 - 4] to Basic Skills

Claw is now a Storm Skill and also casts Storm Strike at [120 - 200]% normal damage.

- Mad Wolf's Glee

[974 - 1,427] Maximum Life

[10.5 - 15]% Werewolf Attack Speed

[13 - 17.5]% to Lupine Ferocity's Damage Bonus

+[4 - 5] to Digitigrade Gait

Werewolf form is now your true form, and you gain +[2 - 5] Ranks to all Werewolf Skills.

- Storm's Companion

[16 - 25]% Wolves Attack Speed

[62.5 - 85]% Lucky Hit Chance for the Pack Leader Spirit Boon

[13 - 17.5]% Damage Reduction from Close Enemies

+[4 - 5] to Wolves


D4 Season 5 Druid Build Overview

This D4 S5 DPS build focuses on the Druid Class using shapeshifting into a werebear form for damage and survivability. It uses the Landslide and Poison Creeper along with staying in werebear form using the Vasily's Prayer amulet. Landslide has received significant buffs making it stronger, and in werebear form, the Druid has high armor and can face tank enemies. Even with suboptimal Diablo IV gear, the build is able to quickly clear rift packs and elite mobs, one-shotting enemies. Optimizing gear and skills, the build is capable of hitting enemies for billions of damage.

1. Pros

- Very high sustained damage output

- Excellent single target and crowd control capability

- Great survivability from high armor/damage reduction in werebear form

- Duration of resources, forms, and damage buffs can be maximized

- Well-rounded in damage, defense, and mobility


2. Cons

- Reliant on maintaining shapeshifting uptime which can be disrupted by CC.

- Needs to balance offense, defense, and utility choices across skills/passives.

- Gear optimization and min-maxing still offer plenty of room for improvement.

- Farming boons and perfecting rolls/stats would take significant investment.


3. Gear

- Helm: Vasily's Prayer

- Chest Armor: Insatiable Fury

- Gloves: Aspect of Retaliation

- Pants: Tibault's Will

- Boots: Aspect of Metamorphosis

- Weapon: Aspect of The Aftershock

- Amulet: Aspect of the Changeling's Debt

- Ring 1: Subterranean Aspect

- Ring 2: Earthbreaker


4. Gems

- Weapon: Emerald (+25% Critical Strike Damage)

- Armor: Sapphire (100 Willpower)

- Jewelry: Diamond (8% Resistance to All Elements)


5. Skills

Landslide is the primary damage skill, and Poison Creeper is needed for immobilization and resets with Pack Leader for quick shifting. Clarity gives crit chance after casting Poison Creeper. Movement/utility skills include Safeguard, Stone Guard, Provocation, and Trample. Check out the active and passive skills for this Druid DPS build in D4 Season 5.

Main Skills

Poison Creeper

Earthen Bulwark



Cyclone Armor



Skill Tree

- Basic: Claw -> Enhanced Claw

- Core: Landslide -> Enhanced Landslide -> Primal Landslide, Heart of the Wild, Wild Impulses

- Defensive: Earthen Bulwark -> Enhanced Earthen Bulwark -> Preserving Earthen Bulwark, Cyclone Armor

- Companion: Poison Creeper -> Enhanced Poison Creeper - Ferocious Poison Creeper, Clarity

- Wrath: Trample -> Enhanced Trample -> Savage Trample, Mending, Provocation, Neurotoxin, Envenom, Crushing Earth, Safeguard, Stone Guard

- Ultimate: Petrify -> Prime Petrify -> Supreme Petrify, Defensive Posture, Quickshift, Defiance, Natural Disaster, Circle of Life

- Key Passives: Earthen Might


6. Spirit Boons

- Deer: Wariness (Take 15% reduced damage from Elites)

- Eagle: Iron Feather (Gain x20% Maximum Life), Avian Wrath (Gain x30% Critical Strike Damage)

- Wolf: Packleader (Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a 25% chance to reset the Cooldowns of your Companion Skills)

- Snake: Calm Before the Storm (Lucky Hit: Nature Magic Skills have up to a 10% chance to reduce the Cooldown of your Ultimate Skill by 2 seconds)


7. Others

Stats focus on Cooldown Reduction, Area Damage, and Life per Second rather than critical chance since those are gained from skills and passives. 


Paragon points maximize key offensive stats while focusing heavily on maximum life and other defensive layers through regional point allocation to boost the survivability of the shapeshifting DPS playstyle.