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Top 10 Unsolved Mysteries in Elden Ring DLC - Most Intriguing Mysteries That Are Unsolved

Tag:Starter Guide
7/19/2024 4:52:14 PM

There are many secrets, lore bombs, and mysteries for us to explore in Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. In this guide, we are going to be breaking down 10 mysteries that are unsolved in Elden Ring DLC. 

Top 10 Most Intriguing Unsolved Mysteries in Elden Ring DLC

Shadow of the Erdtree gave us a lot of new stuff, new weapons, new dungeons, new bosses, and new romances. But more than all of this brand new stuff, we were also given tons of new mysteries to try to solve. Some of which are proving to be a bit more difficult than others. So here's a list of the top 10 brand new unsolved mysteries from Shadow of the Erdtree. 

#10. The Giant Dragon 

There's an extremely large Dragon corpse located in the Southeastern portion of the map. This dragon is so huge that it's even drawn on the map and can be seen from quite a ways off. And this isn't even the first time we've seen an incredibly large Dragon corpse that's essentially just part of the map. In the case of this new Dead Dragon, not only is it a mystery as to just how and why it grew to be this massive especially since we now know that the oldest Dragon of them all is actually Bayle. We also don't know its name much less anything concrete regarding its purpose or lore just that it's big, it's dead, it's located right by the jagged peak upon which Bayle the Dread resides and it's the location of the grand altar of dragon communion. It also has a giant hole punched in its chest that more than likely resulted directly in its heart getting scooped out since after all it is located right by the altar where dragon hearts are consumed in communion. 

#9. Placidusax and the Dragon War

We have the Curious Case regarding Bayle The Dread and his history with the Dragonlord Placidusx. There's plenty we actually do know about their shared backstories such as the fact that Bayle is apparently the oldest of all the dragons and father to the entire lowborn race of Drakes which were hated by Placidusx and his ancient dragons and actually hunted down and used as fodder for Dragon communion. In order to make human Drake Warriors stronger in the hopes that they would one day rise up to be able to defeat Bayle. 

Placidusx 's loyal servant Florissax even gave up her ancient dragon form to become a humanoid in order to serve as the dragon communion Priestess and guide the Drake Warriors onward toward their ultimate goal of defeating Bayle which she even tries toencourage you to do when you first meet her. The thing is all of this rivalry started after Bayle assaulted placex resulting in both dragons leaving the fight pretty banged up and missing lots of Limbs and even heads. However, we have absolutely no idea why Bayle did this in the first place. 

#8. The Giant Stone Coffins

What exactly are the giant stone coffins present all over the place in the southern Shore? The majority of them are located deep within a fissure, that is appropriately called The Stone Coffin Fissure. Now we do have a few hints as to what is inside them, they appear to be made of a substance called Putrescence, as the mass of putrescent sorcery and yield putrescent crafting items indicate. According to the remembrance of putrescence which drops from the putrescent knight boss, this putrescence substance is simply decayed flesh which makes sense since that's what the word putrid means in real life. It's also stated that the lives kept within the coffins are impure and the congealed putrescence does resemble the other impure life form we know of from the base game, the silver tears. And the coffins do resemble the architecture of the nox. But that is literally all we know about the stone coffins. We don't know who made them, we don't know how they got here, why they're so big or why there are so many or what if any the connection is between their putrescent innards and silver tears. 

#7. Marika’s Baby Daddy 

This is about the character that we all thought would have a much bigger influence in the DLC that he ended up having Mesmer the Impaler who serves as essentially the mini boss of the DLC. We know just about everything there is to know about Mesmer's backstory who his mother is why he slaughters people merciless and burns them at the stak, why he turns into a snake and even who his little sister is. It's Melina and we burn them both. But the one question that we don't currently have an answer for is the matter of Mesmer's father as in who is he. Obviously, Mesmer the demigod has flaming red hair and the other flaming red headed demigods are all Children of Radagon who is you guessed it a flaming red-headed individual. However, since Mesmer is more than likely Marika's first child, this greatly implies that it was before her children she had with Godfrey and this who’s the father game we're playing seems to be backed up by the Hornsent Grandam, who straight up throws shade at America. Mesmer also has an affinity for fire and this added to the Visage of the fire furnaces apparently looking like the Fell God as well as the fire giant imagery. The possibility of Mesmer's father being the Fell God himself at the Forefront. 

#6. The Enigmatic Gate of Divinity

The Gate of Divinity, a pivotal location in the DLC, is shrouded in mystery. This structure seems to be the focal point of several significant events: the birth of the Erdtree and its shadow counterpart, the establishment of the Golden Order, the banishment of the Lands Between, and Marika's ascension to godhood. The nature and origin of the Gate itself are unclear. Is it a conduit for the Greater Will's power, a crucible from which the Erdtree emerged, or something else entirely? Its design, featuring numerous bodies seemingly embedded within its structure, resembles both the Erdtree and the Ancestor Spirit statues, further deepening the enigma.

#5. Miquella's Lost Ending

Datamined dialogue from Miquella, absent from the game itself, suggests an alternate ending involving the Empyrean. This dialogue, strikingly similar to Ranni's upon accepting her destiny as a god, implies that Miquella had his own vision for the Lands Between, one guided by compassion and acceptance: "I hereby swear to every living being and every living soul. Now comes the age of our Eden. A thousand-year voyage guided by compassion, beginning here. Love encompasses all. No living thing will be denied, no deed censured. I am ready to embrace the whole of it. Let us go together, Radahn, my promised consort." This discovery suggests a hidden path within the DLC, one where players might aid Miquella in achieving his dream of a gentler world. The method for unlocking this ending, however, remains a mystery.

4. Radahn's Fateful Decision

In a surprising turn of events, Miquella chooses his half-brother, Radahn, as his consort, resurrecting him within the husk of their other brother, Mohg. This decision, while shocking, raises a crucial question: did Radahn consent to this arrangement? The game provides no definitive answer. We are not privy to Radahn's thoughts or feelings regarding Miquella's decision. Some interpret Melina's actions (essentially forcing Radahn into a new form through death) as a sign of his unwillingness. Others believe their final confrontation was a consensual duel, a testament to Radahn's love for battle. The lack of clarity regarding Radahn's consent, coupled with the absence of any explanation for Miquella's decision to resurrect him in such a manner (and without his beloved horse, Leonard), leaves a significant gap in our understanding of this pivotal event.

#3. The Greater Will's Abandonment

The DLC amplifies a recurring theme from the base game: the Greater Will's tendency to abandon its chosen agents. From the opening cutscene, where we learn of the Greater Will's abandonment of the Lands Between, to the Two Fingers' inability to communicate with their celestial benefactor, the question of the Greater Will's absence looms large. This abandonment is further highlighted by our encounter with Astel, Naturalborn of the Void, one of the Greater Will's extraterrestrial assassins. The description for Astel's Memory Stone reveals that even these powerful beings were eventually abandoned by the Greater Will, their purpose forgotten. The DLC offers no explanation for this pattern of abandonment. Is the Greater Will simply indifferent to the plight of those it empowers? Has it been absent for far longer than we realize, leaving the Two Fingers to interpret its will with potentially disastrous consequences?

#2. The True Nature of the Haligtree

Despite being a central element of the DLC, the Haligtree remains shrouded in mystery. While often described as the "shadow" of the Erdtree, its true nature and relationship to its golden counterpart are unclear. How can a shadow manifest as a tangible, three-dimensional entity? If the Haligtree is meant to represent the opposite of the Erdtree and its Golden Order, why does it seem to function almost identically, bestowing Grace upon its champions and even incorporating Remembrances for rebirth? Answering these questions requires a deeper understanding of Marika's actions in shaping the Erdtree and the Golden Order, knowledge that remains elusive.

#1.  Miquella and Torrent's Journey

Perhaps the most perplexing mystery stems from the DLC's promotional image, which depicts Miquella riding Torrent through a field of flowers in the Lands Between. This seemingly innocuous image contradicts several established facts within the game. We know that Miquella remains trapped within the Haligtree during the events of the DLC. He cannot access the Lands Between until Mohg is defeated, an event that occurs after we, the Tarnished, enter the region. Furthermore, the image depicts Miquella riding Torrent, our trusty steed. How is this possible if Miquella is confined to the Haligtree while we are exploring the Lands Between? Some have speculated that the image depicts a past event, perhaps even hinting at the identity of Torrent's previous owner. However, the presence of the Haligtree in the background suggests otherwise. Could Miquella possess another spectral steed, a twin to our own Torrent? Or is there a deeper connection between Miquella, Torrent, and the nature of the Lands Between that we have yet to uncover?