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As part of the hotfix for Diablo 4 the difficulty of dungeons that are cleared to gain levels of power was reduced

6/16/2023 1:17:16 PM

Since Diablo IV was released a week ago, Blizzard has released its ninth patch for the game. This patch includes a change that decreases the likelihood of encountering elite monsters in dungeons that are frequently used for farming experience. The fans aren't happy about the change at all, and they point out that the dungeons that were changed were some of the most fun to run out of all of those available in the game. In previous Diablo hotfixes, attempts were made to restore equilibrium to previously unbalanced dungeons by modifying the spawn rates of various enemies and items. The most recent six fixes include additional adjustments to the spawn rates of Elite monsters in dungeons. These adjustments were made in the most recent six fixes. The most recent patch also includes a note from the game's developers, which reads as follows: "We are standardizing the density of elite monsters that spawn in dungeons in order to ensure that no particular dungeon is clearly more efficient to run through than others."This note is a part of the patch that was just made available to download. Players aren't happy with the change, and many of them vented their frustrations in a thread on Reddit about how Blizzard chose to reduce spawn rates for its most popular dungeons rather than increase rates for the game's less popular dungeons.
屏幕截图 2023-05-06 155234

Players aren't happy with the change because Blizzard chose to reduce spawn rates for its most popular dungeons rather than increase rates for the game's less popular dungeons

  • The players are not pleased with the adjustment

  • Fans are in agreement that the most enjoyable aspect of Diablo IV is eliminating large groups of enemies at once

  • This is due to the fact that the spawn rates in standard dungeons are frequently unimpressive

  • Due to the fact that the issues that had been plaguing the legendary aspects have been resolved, the most recent patch has made it possible to use the Edgemaster's Aspect and the Aspect of Berserk Ripping once more

  • This is much more positive news

  • The patch also includes a number of additional bug fixes, which brings the total number of improvements to a significant number

  • The full patch notes can be found further down on this page:DIABLO IV HOTFIX 9 - JUNE 12, 2023 - 1

  • 0

  • 2DungeonsAdditional changes have been made to the density of elite monsters in dungeons

  • Observation from the Programmer:We are currently working to standardize the density of elite monsters that spawn in dungeons in order to ensure that no single dungeon is clearly superior to others in terms of how quickly it can be traversed

This is done so that no dungeon can be traversed significantly more quickly than any other. Bug FixesAlterations to the Appearance of Legendary TraitsThere was a bug that caused the damage bonus from the Legendary Affix known as Edgemaster's Aspect to be incorrectly reapplied to Whirlwind whenever a Shout was used. This occurred because Edgemaster's Aspect was being applied to Whirlwind in the wrong way. This issue has been resolved.   Issues that allowed players to deal more damage than intended have been fixed. These issues primarily pertained to the abilities of the Aspect of Berserk Ripping and the Two-Handed Sword Expertise that are associated with the Barbarian class. Due to a bug, players were given the quest for World Tier 3 before they had finished all of the requirements necessary to advance to that World Tier. This prevented players from being able to progress to the next World Tier. This issue has been resolved.   There was an issue in which the level scaling for an event in the Dilapidated Aqueducts subzone was not functioning properly.

This issue has been resolved.   Further improvements have been made to the stability. The editors at our publication came to their own conclusions about which products should be featured in this article. If you buy something that has been featured on our website, GameSpot may receive a portion of the revenue from the sale. Thank you for your support!