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The Best Rogue Build for Competitive Play in Diablo 4

6/16/2023 9:11:36 AM

Rogue is a playable class in Diablo IV that gives players the ability to create a character that has a very high damage per second (DPS) and a very high mobility, allowing them to dart around even the most dangerous battlefields of PvP with a build that is best suited for taking down human controlled opponents.
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After obtaining a Bloodmark, players are allowed to engage in combat with one another in only two locations in Sanctuary. These locations are referred to as the Fields of Hatred. When you defeat another player in this area, you will be rewarded with a certain quantity of Shards of Hatred. These are items that can be exchanged for Red Dust currency by using them at an Altar of Extraction. Rogue Player versus Player Build Tactics Generally SpeakingRogue from Diablo 4 and his Shadow Clone CompanionsThe most important aspect of a PvP Rogue build is to have abilities that cause debuffs to be applied to opponents, while also increasing movement speed and attack speed through the use of appropriate gear. The primary deficiency of this class is its low health and reliance on effective resource management. As a result, members of this class are specialists who struggle when they are unable to create optimal conditions for themselves. Players should make every effort to avoid engaging in mid-range battles, as these encounters can be challenging when pitted against other classes like the Druid and the Barbarian, who are more accustomed to fighting at that range. Players need to keep in mind that there is an Evade option available to them regardless of what class they play in case they find themselves in a sticky situation where they are unable to use their skills to avoid danger.

The Best Abilities for a Rogue Player versus Player BuildDue to the fact that the damage dealt in this manner is not always able to be avoided by the target, Rogues in Diablo 4 who use their Imbuement Skills during player versus player combat have access to significantly more powerful options. Even though many players have a variety of armors that have a significant amount of Damage Reduction at Legendary levels, activating an Imbuement enables players to deal guaranteed damage over time.

Skill TypeSkills & Point InvestmentEnhancement(s)Basic Skills   (2/5)Improved Needle PenetrationFundamental Puncture

Core Skills   (5/5)Twisting BladesEnhanced Knives With a Twisting ActionInnovative Cutter with Twisting Blades

(3/3) Stutter Step   N/A

(3/3) Sturdy   (3/3) Siphoning Strikes

Agility Skills   (1/5)Improved Shadow Step (Shadow Step) Shadow StepShadow Steps Performed Methodically

(1/5) Dash Disciplined Dash Enhanced Dash Dash

Subterfuge Skills   (1/5)Stealth with Enhanced Concealment and Countermeasures Against Stealth

(1/5) Dark Shroud Dark Shroud Enhanced Dark Shroud Dark Shroud Against Dark Shroud

(1/3) Exploit   (3/3) Malice

(3/3) Agile(3/3) Repairing the Cloudiness of Things

Imbuement Skills   (5/5)Poison Imbuement   Enhanced Poison ImbuementBlended Poison Imbuement

(3/3) A Poison That Can Kill You (3/3) Toxins That Can Make You Weak

Ultimate Skills   (1/1)Prime Shadow Clone Shadow Clone Shadow Clone PrimeSupreme Clone of the Shadows

(3/3) Adrenaline Rush   (3/3) Haste(3/3) Impetus

(3/3) Insight (3/3) Refreshment (3/3) Second Wind

The Key Is Passive (1/1) Momentum Does Not Apply

  • It is abundantly clear that the Imbuements Skills place an emphasis on Poison damage, but there is also a healthy balance of Stealth abilities that give players an additional edge in player versus player combat

  • Players will want to improve their chances of scoring a critical hit against enemies in Diablo 4, as this will not only allow them to regain health through Skills like Siphoning Strikes, but it will also boost their damage dealt (DPS) even further

  • This build encourages players to hold back, apply Poison or other debuffs such as Slow and Stun, and then go in for the kill when an opponent is vulnerable enough to take a significant amount of damage

  • The Very Best Equipment for a PvP Rogue Build

EquipmentType of ItemImprint/EffectThis is the Helm of the Protector. Helm Aspect of the Protector When you deal damage to an Elite foe, you gain a Barrier that protects you from up to a significant amount of damage for the next ten seconds. Only one instance of this effect can take place every thirty seconds. Gloves with an imitation of the imbuement of boneweave gauntletsLegendary Gear Imprint - The Imbuement that you have applied to your Skills will also be replicated in your Shadow Clones. If you have an active Shadow Clone and cast an Imbuement Skill, that Shadow Clone will receive increased damage for the next five seconds. Assuring the Safety of BoneweaveFaulds   PantsProtective Facet: When you take damage while you are not at full health, a magical bubble will be conjured around you and last for a certain number of seconds. Tractions of Doom affixed to Noxious Ice BootsImprint on Legendary Equipment -Enemies that are already Chilled and have been poisoned by Poison Imbuement will take 20% more damage from the Chill effect each second. You deal 24% additional Poison damage to Frozen enemies. The orbit damage can be up to 20% higher than the return damage, and this increase is proportional to the distance the Blades traveled before returning.

The Sharpened Blade of Inner PeaceAspect of Inner Calm: Dual Wield Weapon (Sword) This aspect of the Dual Wield Weapon (Sword) gives you the ability to deal increased damage for each second that you stand still, up to a certain percentage. Barbed Sword   Dual Wield Weapon (Sword)Vengeful Aspect - Lucky Hit: There is a chance, up to 30%, that rendering an opponent vulnerable will grant an increase in Critical Strike Chance of +3% for 3 seconds, with a maximum of +9%. Your Poison Imbuement Skill does not have a cooldown and there is no charge limit while you are standing in the pool. When you use Shadow Step to kill an enemy, you will receive a charge back and an increase in the damage that Shadow Step deals for the next two seconds, up to a certain percentage. It is strongly suggested that players have this gear upgraded by a Blacksmith so that the percentage values of the gear abilities can be increased. In Diablo 4, a Jewelry vendor is also helpful in this process because it allows players to craft Gems that boost the base stats of this gear.

The Most Effective Paragon Board Routes for a Player vs. Player Rogue BuildIf players want to compete with the highest level players in the Fields of Hatred, which can be found in the most difficult World Tier 4 difficulty in Diablo 4, they will eventually need to spend points on their Paragon Board to improve their build. This is a requirement that must be met. The use of Glpyhs that are able to support Imbuements is a fantastic choice, but players may also want to consider making use of abilities that increase their overall Dexterity stat. The most impressive aspect of this PvP Rogue build for Diablo IV is how concentrated its strengths are. It forgoes variety in favor of excelling at a specific Skill, and it encourages players to follow their Paragon board in order to maximize their effectiveness with that strategy.