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The War Within Season 1 DPS Tier List: Ranking Best Melee & Ranged DPS in TWW

Tag:WoW Dragonflight
8/19/2024 2:49:15 PM

With the release of World of Warcraft's newest expansion rapidly approaching, players are evaluating which DPS will rise to the top of the dungeon for both melee and ranged in the War Within Season 1. Read our the War Within melee and ranged DPS tier list, we ranked the best DPS class and specs for Season 1.


The War Within Season 1 Best DPS - TWW Melee & Ranged DPS Ranking

Being able to deal high damage, both in sustained and burst AoE/ST, is crucial for completing high level keys quickly and within the timer. Being able to deal high damage, both in sustained and burst AoE/ST, is crucial for completing high level keys quickly and within the timer. Some specs that bring significant damage buffs/debuffs, like Augmentation Evoker's Ebon Might or Shadow Priest's Power Infusion, will be highly valued as they increase the whole group's damage output. Without further ado, let’s check the War Within Season 1 DPS ranking.


The War Within Melee DPS Tier List

The WWT melee DPS tier list is determined based on evaluating each spec's current single target and AOE/Mythic+ damage potential as simulated and demonstrated in beta testing thus far, the balance and flexibility provided by their different hero talent choices, their representation and popularity according to betalogs and attendees, the level of competition they may face from stronger tank or healer specs within their own class, any additional utility or niche roles they bring beyond raw damage, and prior historical popularity as a point of reference, although not the sole determination.


S Tier:

  • Assassination Rogue - Currently doing very strong single target and AOE damage in Mythic+ thanks to the Deathstalker hero talent. Considered one of the best the War Within Season 1 melee DPS specs.

  • Frost Death Knight - Popularity in Mythic+ due to the Deathbringer hero talent providing strong AOE. Good but not exceptional single target damage.


A Tier:

  • Havoc Demon Hunter - Good balance between single target and AOE with hero talents. Risk of being overshadowed by Vengeance tank spec.

  • Outlaw Rogue - Good single target potential but currently bugged in AOE. Would be higher with trickster talent working properly.


B Tier:

  • Survival Hunter - Stronger than expected thanks to Sentinel hero talent. Tankier than other melee

  • Subtlety Rogue - Niche burst damage role through hero talents. Strong but more specialized than other rogues.

  • Fury Warrior - Good damage but lacking in utility and popularity in Mythic+. Risk of Prot warrior dominance.

  • Windwalker Monk - Lacks power simulations but decent in beta. Less competition from other monk specs than some classes.

  • Unholy Death Knight - Flexible talents but less popular in M+ than Frost. Still good damage potential.


C Tier:

  • Arms Warrior - Mediocre AOE and unpopular in Mythic+. Damage isn't compensating for weaknesses.

  • Retribution Paladin - Lacks significant strengths or niches. Damage not making up for lack of utility or buffs.

  • Enhancement Shaman - Damage okay but overshadowed by stronger Elemental and Restoration specs in their class.


D Tier:

  • Feral Druid - Underplayed, damage not high enough to compensate. Weaker than Guardian and Resto specs.


The War Within Ranged DPS Tier List

This TWW Ranged DPS Tier List is based on analyzing current beta damage performance and representation logs where available, anticipated spec buffs or nerfs, the utility each brings to Mythic+ through skills likeMass Dispel, Bloodlust or totems, the balance and synergy of their talent trees and preferred playstyles, how well they scale from low to high keys as player power increases, popularity based on beta participation, the strength and representation of competing specs within their class, and whether they fulfill a desired niche through unique strengths like burst AOE or strong sustained single target.

S Tier:

  • Augmentation Evoker - Doing extremely high damage and considered the best the War Within ranged DPS Season1. Basically mandatory for high keys based on beta logs. Provides valuable utility. Likely to be nerfed.

  • Elemental Shaman - Competitive damage and brings valuable utility like dispersion and threat reduction. May outperform Affliction.

  • Arcane Mage - Among the highest damage on beta, though representation could be hidden. The TWW Season 1 best DPS that benefits from having a mage.


A Tier:

  • Affliction Warlock - Great single target damage but lacks desired utility for M+. Risk of being overshadowed.

  • Marksmanship Hunter - Burst AoE potential but concerns over scaling. More desired than Survival currently.

  • Shadow Priest - Damage may increase with buffs. Mass dispel and PI make it valuable despite lower ST damage.


B Tier:

  • Fire Mage - Weak on beta but predicted buffs will push it up tiers. Scales well with gear later.

  • Destruction Warlock -respectable damage but lacks what sets Affliction apart.

  • Demonology Warlock - Damage unknown due to changes but likely decent without outshining Affliction.


C Tier:

  • Beast Mastery Hunter - Unappealing talents with boring gameplay. Damage likely competitive.

  • F Tier:

  • Balance Druid - Low representation and damaging gameplay, even if ST damage okay. Sketchy for high M+.