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Diablo 4 Season 3 Nightmare Dungeon Tier List - Best NM Dungeons to Farm In D4

2/27/2024 5:40:28 PM

With each new season in Diablo 4, Nightmare Dungeons are reshuffled introducing new areas for players to explore and farm in the endgame. These dungeons provide valuable rewards like crafting materials, gold, experience, and legendary gems. Due to their randomized nature, some dungeons prove significantly more rewarding than others to farm based on factors like layout, mob density, and objective difficulty.

In this article, we'll examine the Nightmare Dungeon pool available in Season 3 of Diablo 4 and establish a tier list ranking them from best to worst options for efficient farming. Understanding which dungeons maximize rewards will help players make the most of each game session and progress their characters faster. Let's begin our analysis with a look at the top-tier dungeons highly recommended for any farming route.


S Tier Dungeons
Taking the top spots in the S tier are some standout Nightmare Dungeons that offer supremely rewarding gameplay. These areas feature streamlined layouts, easy objectives, and high monster density for rapid clearing and experience/loot gain. They represent the most optimal choices for all farming needs.

Uldur's Cave
Found in Kehjistan's Ragged Coastline, this network of blood-soaked caverns inhabited by murderers and carrion feeders provides an excellently designed farming experience. Monsters crowd generously spaced chambers joined by short, direct paths requiring minimal backtracking. Killstreak bonuses further boost already high experience earning potential here making Uldur's Cave an absolute gold standard S-tier choice.

Blind Burrows
Located in Hawezar's Fethis Wetlands, Blind Burrows lives up to its name presenting players with tunnels thick with spiders. Webs decorating simplistic layouts and tight quarters filled to the brim with enemies results in constant engagement. Experience gain outpaces all but the swiftest of builds while consistent action maintains momentum. Blind Burrows is simply non-stop rewarding fun.

Deserted Underpass
One of Kehjistan's Southern Expanse underground passages below the ruined Overlook, Deserted Underpass upholds S-tier credentials with its open yet compact, stripped-back design. Straightwide corridors filled to the brim with foes allow sweeping mobility skills and area damage abilities to instantly clear screens. Objectives come naturally during the course of murdering hordes.

Mariner's Refuge
Situated on Scosglen's Strand, this sunken wreck infested by ghosts of drowned sailors maintains a high octane pace. Spacious quarters connected by generous hallways foster fluid gameplay against dense enemies. Alongside swift and simple looting goals, Mariner's Refuge accommodates all playstyles at a breakneck rewarding rhythm cementing its top-dog recommendation.

Champion's Demise
Once beautiful homelands in Dry Steppes' Untamed Scarps now overrun by corruption, Champion's Demise epitomizes refined Nightmare Dungeon architecture. Distinct open rooms filled to the brim with foes naturally guide progression between optional mini-bosses. Experience and rewards pour forth making this a prime showcase of superb S-tier level design.

Ghoa Ruins
This reclaimed crumbling keep situated in toxic Hawezar fens serves as a premiere destination. Vast swampy halls bursting with enemies and mini-bosses provide a grand open-space slaying experience. Objectives come naturally as players cut through hordes at their leisure. Fast, simple and generously rewarding - Ghoa stands among the best.

A Tier Dungeons
While not quite matching the efficiency of S-tier gold standards, these A ranked Nightmare Dungeons still uphold rewarding gameplay merits. Their layouts, enemies, and objectives come together harmoniously to maintain a brisk rewarding adventure certain to please any farming adventurer.

Guulrahn Canals
Found beneath Dry Steppes' Jakha Basin, this sinister system of passageways inhabited by those too wretched even for cannibals to touch provides a steady stream of enemies amid narrow corridors. Experience and loot flows freely with reliable mob density and brief between-chamber jogs.

Corruption spilled into these woods of Scosglen twisting them against intruders. Dense copses and twisting rootways conceal plentiful foes making for exciting multidirectional skirmishes. Distinct rooms break proceedings nicely.

Mercy's Reach
Once a passage connecting mountain peaks, this crumbling Fractured Peaks keep now hosts a consistent fray. Generous open-concept chambers connected by short hallways maintain fluid fighting while optional objectives sprinkle extra rewards.

Akkhan's Grasp
Beneath ruined Rakhat Keeps of Hawezar, this sinister tomb brims with ancients' remains and invading evil. Distinct modular sub-levels keep combat spaced and stimulating between simple loot hunts.

Charnel House
Dry Steppes' Untamed Scarps play host to this cannibalistic den stocked with the living and dead. Tight interweaving corridors burst with enemies as players cut through a consistent challenging onslaught.

Dead Man's Dredge
Murderous predators dwell in these Fractured Peaks caves hunting mankind. Linear progression through a steady stream of foes makes for an exciting slog that respectfully rewards focused farming.

B Tier Dungeons
After the purity of S-tier layouts and A-rank experiences, B-list dungeons begin exhibiting more inconsistent strengths and weaknesses. Objectives grow more nuanced while map complexity increases navigation hurdles, though mob encounters remain plentiful overall.

Collapsed Vault
Buried riches amid Amber Sands of Kehjistan come at the cost of a sprawling layout. Treasures and battle hordes bring ample rewards despite twisting underground corridors.

Komdor Temple
Former Triune followers transformed into goatmen now defend this Scarred Coast shrine. Distinct chambers house consistent mobs between puzzle-like quests maintaining engagement.

Tomb of the Saints
Gold once filled this barren Amber Sands place of rest now overrun by loot-hungry invaders. Scattered tombs allow steady sifting while formidable foes bolster rewards.

Corrupted subterranean ruins beneath Scosglen's Túr Dúlra offer familiar intertwining rootways packed with challenges. Steady combat amid cramped quarters maintains intensity.

Yshari Sanctum
Cultist corruption seeped into this ancient Kehjistan structure. Straightforward yet sizeable indoor/outdoor zones shift proceedings consistently.

Bastion of Faith
Once noble Umir Plateau knights transformed by madness into feral beasts. Distinct sections break proceedings and funnel combat smoothly.

While not as consistent or straightforward as top tiers, these B ranked dungeons maintain ample rewards between their strengths and weaknesses making them solid options overall. Now let's examine some more middle-of-the-road Nightmare Dungeon experiences.

C Tier Dungeons
From here, optimizations fall off as layouts grow more complex and objectives more nuanced. Dungeon quality fluctuates more noticeably with certain perks unable to outweigh accumulating hindrances. Farming remains viable if preferred over alternatives yet proves less rewarding overall.

Kor Dragan Barracks
Former honor halls of Sarkova Pass now host fleeing undead armies. Convoluted corridors hamper mobility against spread encounters.

Maugan's Works
Waste of criminals and deserters hidden in Hawezar's wetlands. Interconnecting sewers challenge navigation amid pockets of foes.

Path of the Blind
Khargai Crags' corrupted initiation grounds separate combat into dull periods.

Rimescar Cavern
Malnok's frozen depths warp survivors as demons infest. Dividers interrupt consistent engagement.

Serpent's Lair
Blightmarsh's former Mohlonian seat degraded into a erratic serpentine lair.

Howling Warren
Northshore's tainted wolf dens split across climbing areas interrupting momentum.

While not undesirable, these middling C-rank dungeons exhibit increasingly problematic traits between rewarding moments. Their inconsistent nature makes them less reliable options with alternatives preferable when available. Let's conclude by examining Nightmare Dungeons best avoided.

F Tier Dungeons
Sadly, some dungeons exhibit qualities making them thoroughly unappealing and inefficient choices for any serious farming venture.Overly complex layouts hamper fluidity while annoying objectives interrupt combat's flow draining enjoyment from these bottom-barrel destinations.

Light's Refuge
Hidden high in Dismal Foothills' shadows, this feral tooth and armor lined nest spreads combat across miserable climbing.

Shivta Ruins
Alcarnus' toxic Amber Sands wastes manifest amid a nonsensical blueprint.

Wretched Delve
Once mighty Tur Dulra's tombs now divide across miserable platforming and backtracking.

Betrayer's Row
Twisted Accursed Wastes village structures degrade proceedings into a painful scavenger hunt.

Prison of Caldeum
Kehjistan's former penitentiary decays into an disorienting obstacle course.

Faceless Shrine
Forsaken Coast's hidden cult corrupts navigation into an arduous underground slog.

Avoid these nightmare inducing F-tier dungeons at all costs in Season 3. With so many other viable options available, subjecting oneself to such punishing designs is simply not worthwhile. Salvage them at the first safe opportunity!