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Diablo 4 Season 3 Class Tier List

2/27/2024 8:34:19 AM

With the third season of Diablo 4 now well underway, players have had some time to experiment with different class builds and strategies. Each season brings balance changes and new class synergies that can shift the power dynamics between the available classes. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at how each of the five base Diablo 4 classes stack up against each other in terms of effectiveness, ease of use, and endgame viability for Season 3.

The classes will be broken down into tiers based on their power level and strengths and weaknesses will be analyzed. Factors like leveling speed, gear dependence, damage output, survivability, and playstyle will all be considered when determining where each class falls in the tier list for this season. So without further ado, let's get started with analyzing the Diablo 4 Season 3 class tier list.


S Tier - Barbarian
Taking the top spot in the S tier is the Barbarian. This likely comes as no surprise to most Diablo 4 players as Barbarians have been a dominant force since the game's launch. What makes Barbarians so strong is their ability to defy the typical weakness that melee classes have in an ARPG where ranged attacks are usually preferred.

While other classes need to carefully kite mobs and dodge enemy attacks, Barbarians can simply wade into the thick of battle and decimate enemies with their powerful weapon strikes. Their damage output and survivability both benefit from building right into the fray. Furthermore, popular "House of Thorns" builds have proven extremely effective at shredding both normal monsters and bosses alike with high sustained damage.

Leveling as a Barbarian is also a breeze, as they have no trouble with any content from level 1 all the way up to level cap. Their damage remains high throughout the leveling process without any real power spikes or dips. In the endgame, Barbarians dominate the top ranks on Greater Rift leaderboards and speedrun all challenge mode content with ease through the use of optimized gear and builds.

A Tier - Rogue and Druid
Taking the two spots in the A tier are the Rogue and Druid. Both classes have proven themselves very capable but do have some caveats holding them back from the S tier.

Let's start with the Rogue. Known for high damage output and evasion-based survival, Rogues are an excel at both speed farming content and single target boss damage through targeted ability usage and resource management. Their damage comes primarily from ranged abilities or traps that let Rogues pick off enemies before entering melee. However, Rogues do suffer more than other classes if caught out in the open without defensive cooldowns available, so skill and situation awareness is needed for top-tier survivability.

Druids, on the other hand, start quite weak but scale extremely well into the endgame. Their leveling process can feel tedious until certain build-enabling talents and gear are acquired. However, once fully geared, Druids transition into hyper carries with immense area of effect damage and creative shapeshifting or summoning playstyles. Popular "Wall of Thorns" builds let Druids do comparable damage to even Barbarians while providing off-healing and crowd control support.

Both Rogues and Druids accomplish top-tier clearing speeds and rankings once configured for the endgame, despite each having a weakness holding them back slightly from the top S rank. Careful play can mitigate both the Rogue's vulnerability and Druid's weak early game.

B Tier - Sorcerer

Next up in the B tier is the Sorcerer. Known for flexible build options and access to various elemental spell damage types, Sorcerers are a jack of all trades but master of none class. They can excel in group scenarios by providing utility but suffer alone compared to the top tiers.

Sorcerers rely heavily on cooldown management and density-based spell amplifying effects to reach top potential Damage Per Second. Their reliance on maintaining barriers and periodic invulnerability also takes some focus away from optimized rotation and fluid gameplay. While very visually impressive raining down elemental destruction, any moment spent repositioning or reapplying defenses opens ample time for danger.

Popular "Orbital Magic Missile" and "Chain Lightning" builds do allow for smooth clearing but lack the targeted burst potential of other optimized damage classes. Sorcerers scale well with group buff stacking and support synergies but feel much riskier to solo high-end challenges with compared to tankier front-liners. Complexity and glass cannon-esque fragility holds Sorcerers back from competing with S or A tiers alone.

C Tier - Necromancer
Rounding out the C tier is the Necromancer class. Known for overwhelming spawn-based summoning damage, Necromancers started the season strong but have started to fade away as player power increased.

Leveling as a Necromancer is superb, utilizing powerful skeletal minion summoned hordes to rapidly carve through content. But as player stats grow and mob life pools increase, the need for more focused single target damage strategies becomes apparent. Necromancers depend entirely on maintaining summon duration uptime and lack any real "oh crap" buttons for dangerous situations beyond consumptive life sacrifice mechanics.

While full "Bone Spear" or "Blood Magic" builds have carried players far, the limitations become noticeable against high health raid bosses or challenge rift modifiers like crowd control immunity. Lacking burst or self-healing capabilities holds their sustainability and ending killing potential back compared to more well-rounded specs. Complex corpses and resource management mechanics add unnecessary learning curves over smoother options.

Despite flashy minion mechanics and a great leveling experience, endgame Necromancers tend to fall behind other specialized damage or support oriented options. Their damage potential relies too heavily on conditions remaining ideal with little room for clutch survivability.