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Diablo 4: How to Fix You Are Not Allowed to Speak in Local Chat

12/7/2023 1:55:51 AM
Diablo 4: How to Fix "You are not allowed to speak in local chat"

One frustrating issue some Diablo 4 players encounter is being unable to communicate via local chat. This guide will explore possible causes and fixes for the "You are not allowed to speak in local chat" error message.


Diablo 4: How to Fix You Are Not Allowed to Speak in Local Chat 

Check Social Options

Open Settings > Gameplay and ensure both chat types are enabled by clicking the toggles. Disabling either restricts local/global messaging until re-enabled.

Clear Chat History

Open Logout menu then Chat Log. Delete all messages to clear any potential flags on the account causing chat issues. This may resolve simple bugs.

Check for Muted Status

Opening Social panel shows if muted by admins. Submit a ticket to Blizzard with proof of good behavior if mistakenly muted to expedite reviews. Buying cheap gear with saved Diablo 4 gold helps pass time waiting.

Update Social Options

Try changing all privacy/opt-in settings in Social. Save and exit game then relaunch as sometimes Social bugs require a client restart to take effect.

Verify Battle.net Account

Ensure email/phone on profile matches registration details. Compromised accounts seen chatbanning till securing. Change PW if necessary to continue chatting freely.

Rule Out Technical Issues

Try repairing game files, clearing cache/temp folders or reinstalling Diablo 4 as a last resort. Contact support if all else fails and potentially have account reviewed.

With patience and testing various solutions, you can overcome the frustrating "You are not allowed to speak in local chat" bug and continue enriching your gameplay through communication in Diablo 4's bustling world.