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Players of Diablo 4 search for one significant improvement they can make to the game in order to boost the amount of money they spend on consoles

11/10/2023 9:30:50 PM

Players of Diablo 4 want more quality-of-life features to be added to the console, such as the ability to manually input the gold amount during a trade rather than using the d-pad, which, in its current state, can take several minutes to get to the desired gold amount. Players also want the ability to manually input the gold amount during a battle. Players want a greater variety of options to personalize the appearance of their characters.
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Players are able to barter with one another in Diablo 4, and the process begins with the player making an offer. The fact that it isn't too difficult to make an offer means that those who play video games on personal computers don't really have to worry about this being too much of an issue. When playing on a console, however, players are required to use the d-pad to increase the amount of money they wish to offer in exchange for an item. The duration of this process is timed, and for more expensive items, it can take up to ten minutes.

This week, players of D4 gold have reached their breaking point, declaring that they have had enough of the game and that they want to see a feature that will allow them to type in gold amounts instead.

If a feature similar to this one was implemented, players of Diablo 4 on consoles would be able to directly type in the gold amount that they want to send in less than 20 seconds. This is a negligible amount of time when compared to the minutes spent pressing the up arrow on the d-pad.

Console players would have a significant increase in freedom as well as a significant decrease in anxiety regarding the process of trading as a result of this feature. Despite this, it would still be their responsibility to locate other players who possessed the items they need and question them about their possessions. Additionally, this enables them to transfer gold to their allies without hindering their ability to play the game, which is a significant benefit.

Despite the fact that having a keyboard input feature for console players sounds like it would be a great addition to the game, if it is not implemented properly or if it does not perform all of its intended functions, having this feature is pointless. If Blizzard makes the decision to implement this feature, it is imperative that it function correctly from the very beginning of the process of implementing it.

Unfortunately, if you are playing Diablo 4 on a console, you will need to either manually farm for the mats or just mindlessly thumb away at the d-pad for a few minutes in order to gather enough mats to craft the items. Neither of the two possibilities is all that appealing.