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A Guide for Newcomers to Elden Ring Entitled "Surviving Your First Few Hours in the Game"

10/17/2023 7:52:00 PM

The open-world action role-playing game Elden Ring, developed by FromSoftware and George R. R. Martin, provides players with a breathtaking and difficult gaming experience. Your first few hours in the vast and mysterious realm of the Lands Between can be both exhilarating and intimidating, depending on how you choose to approach them. This guide will provide you with essential tips and strategies for surviving your initial adventures in Elden Ring in order to help you navigate the perilous landscape and emerge as a formidable warrior. It will also assist you in overcoming the challenges you face along the way.

1. Give Some Thought to the Beginning Class You Enroll In
Your adventure kicks off with the selection of a starting class, each of which comes with its own unique set of characteristics, abilities, and equipment to begin with. Think about how you like to play the game, whether you prefer close-quarters fighting, casting spells, or some combination of the two, and pick a class that fits that playstyle. Bear in mind that Elden Ring is well-known for its emphasis on player choice in character progression; as a result, your starting class is merely a basis upon which you will be able to expand as the story progresses.

2. Become Well-Versed in the Fundamentals of Combat
Combat in Elden Ring is not only difficult but also extremely rewarding. As you travel through the Lands Between, be sure to brush up on the following fundamentals of combat:

To Sidestep and Block:Mastering the art of dodging and parrying enemy attacks and responding with pinpoint accuracy requires you to develop your timing.

Employ Blocking: Shields can be your most reliable allies in combat. Try out a few different shields before settling on the one that best complements your play style.

Take care of your stamina:Keep an eye on your stamina bar while you're in combat. When you attack, dodge, or block, it loses its effectiveness. Your ability to effectively manage your stamina is essential to your continued existence.

3. Go forth and acquire treasuresElden Ring's raison d'ĂȘtre is based on the principle of diligent exploration.
As you move through the game world, it is important that you pay attention to your surroundings and that your search for loot be thorough. Frequently, chests, secret passageways, and unique items are concealed in locations that are not immediately obvious. When looking for valuable resources, you shouldn't be afraid to explore areas that are off the beaten path.

4. Raise Your Stats at the Site of Grace
In Elden Ring, the Site of Grace is both a checkpoint and a central location for leveling up. When you have amassed a sufficient number of runes, you will be able to advance a level here. Put your points into the attributes that correspond with the way you want to play, and think about putting some of those points into your Vitality (health) and Endurance (stamina) to improve your chances of surviving in general.

5. Gain Wisdom from Past Deaths

In typical fashion for FromSoftware games, death plays a significant role in Elden Ring. Instead of letting your demise dishearten you, look at it as a chance to reflect on your life and correct your course of action moving forward. Conduct an analysis of the enemy's attack patterns, then make any necessary adjustments to your strategies.

6. Participate in Auxiliary Quests and Auxiliary Activities

The objective of Elden Ring is not limited to vanquishing bosses and making progress through the primary storyline. Participating in optional quests and activities can result in the acquisition of useful rewards and open up new avenues for developing your character's abilities.

7. Collaborate with Other People Who Have Been
You are able to call on other players for assistance in Elden Ring's cooperative multiplayer mode, which is designed for taking on the game's more difficult bosses. When confronted by formidable adversaries, don't be afraid to ask for help; working together with others can make all the difference in ensuring your survival.

You may find the first few hours of Elden Ring to be overwhelming; however, if you take the time to carefully consider your starting class, learn the fundamentals of combat, diligently explore, and are willing to learn from your mistakes, you will be able to embark on an exciting journey through the Lands Between. Keep in mind that Elden Ring is an organization that thrives on trial and error; therefore, welcome the difficulties and savor the moments of victory that come after overcoming adversity. You will become a resilient and skilled Tarnished as you continue to hone your skills and uncover the mysteries of this fantastical world. You will then be prepared to face the dangers that are still in store for you.