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POE 3.22 League Start Gear and Crafting Guide - Best Ways to Obtain Gear Cheap in Trial of the Ancestors League

8/18/2023 5:07:33 PM

Today we're going to be talking about something very important for next League in Path of Exile and for any future Leagues, it's how to acquire gear early on in the POE Trial of the Ancestors League and for a reasonable price. 

POE 3.22 League Start Gear and Crafting Guide - Best Way to Get Gear Cheap in Trial of the Ancestors League 

With the release of POE 3.22 coming, the hunt for equipment becomes even more thrilling. Acquiring gear can often be very confusing just because of the fact that especially when you're looking at rare items, you might look at a rare item, go in the build guide, it tells you to do this or get this kind of item or these stats and so you search on the trade side for them, but oftentimes it can be expensive or you don't find what you're looking for. There are a lot of ways getting around this, finding the gear you want, not exactly being the exact thing that you want. But achieving the same results if you will with that items. Let's delve into some strategies for obtaining gear cheaply in PoE 3.22.

1. Understand Your Build

Understanding your character build is the first step towards smart gear acquisition. Make sure you know which stats are most important for your build, and focus on gear that enhances these. It's not always necessary to have perfect gear; sometimes, "good enough" is fine if it saves you a significant amount of POE currency.

2. Use the PoE Trade Website

The PoE Trade website is a valuable resource for finding and comparing gear. You can specify the stats you want, and the website will return a list of items that match, sorted by price. Be flexible with your requirements. If a certain stat is too expensive, see if you can compensate with another item or passive skill. 

Here are the steps: 

-  Access the website: Navigate to the PoE Trade Website.

- Enter your search criteria: On the left side of the screen, you'll see various dropdown menus and input fields. You can filter by item category, rarity, and level. You can also search for specific item mods by clicking "Add Stat Filter".

- Understand the stats: If you're following a build guide, it may specify certain stats for gear. Understand what these stats do and how they benefit your build, as you can often find cheaper alternatives that offer similar benefits.

- Be specific, but flexible: The more specific your search criteria, the fewer results you'll get, and the higher the prices may be. If you're looking for cheap gear, you may need to be flexible with your requirements.

- Sort by price: Once you've entered your search criteria and clicked "Search", you'll get a list of items that match. These can be sorted by price by clicking on the "price" column.

- Check often: The PoE trade market is dynamic, with prices and availability changing frequently. If you don't find what you're looking for, check again later.

3. Pick Cheap Builds

Another way to acquire gear cheaply in POE 3.22 is to look for budget-friendly builds. There are many builds available that require little to no investment in order to work properly2. These builds are ideal for newer players or those who don't want to spend a lot of currency on gear. Low budget in these guides is usually up to 10 Divine orbs.

Check Best Path of Exile 3.22 League Starter Build.

4. Crafting Gear in POE 3.22

Crafting is a gamble, but it can pay off. If you understand the crafting mechanics well, you can create high-quality items from relatively inexpensive materials. Crafting gear with alterations and augments can provide good equipment early on. Later, using chaos orbs or fossil crafting can yield high-tier gear.

- The first step is to acquire the base item that you want to craft. The base item is important because it determines the implicit properties of the final item. For example, if you want to craft a bow, you would first need to find a bow base.

- Once you have the base item, you can improve its quality using currency items like Blacksmith's Whetstones (for weapons), Armourer's Scraps (for armours), or Glassblower's Baubles (for flasks).

- The next step is to add sockets to the item using Jeweller's Orbs. The number of sockets that you can add is limited by the item level.

- After adding sockets, you can link them together using Orbs of Fusing. The linked sockets allow you to support your skills with support gems.

- The color of sockets can be changed using Chromatic Orbs. The probability of getting each color is related to the attributes of the base item.

- The final step is to add or modify the affixes of the item (prefixes and suffixes). This can be done using various currency items. For example, an Orb of Transmutation can turn a normal item into a magic item with up to one prefix and one suffix, while an Exalted Orb can add a new random affix to a rare item.

5. Farm Efficiently

Choose a farming location that matches your character's capabilities and the type of gear you're looking for. Some areas are known for dropping specific types of items. For instance, if you need more currency items, delve into the Azurite Mine. If you're looking for a unique item, try farming in areas with a high chance of encountering the corresponding boss or divination cards.

6. Participate in League Mechanics

Each Path of Exile league introduces unique mechanics and encounters that can yield valuable and sought-after items. By actively participating in the new events and mechanics introduced in POE 3.22, you can acquire powerful gear specific to those leagues. This gear often becomes more accessible and affordable as the league progresses, making it an ideal option for budget-conscious players.

7. Use Essences and Fossils

Fossils and essences can be used to craft Path of Exile gear with specific desirable mods. These are often cheaper than buying a finished item with the same mods.

  • Essences: Essences were introduced in the Essence League and are a type of currency item used in crafting. When used on a piece of gear, an essence guarantees a specific modifier and upgrades a normal item to a rare item. There are 28 types of essences, each corresponding to specific mods. Using essences for crafting is relatively straightforward. By right-clicking on an essence and then left-clicking on a piece of equipment, you can add a specific mod to that item. This makes essences highly useful for targeting specific mods, and can help players save currency by not having to randomly reroll stats on an item until they get the desired mod.

  • Fossils: Fossils are a special type of crafting item introduced in the Delve league, used in conjunction with resonators. Fossils can be placed inside resonators, and when a resonator is used on an item, the mods of the fossils inside the resonator are applied to the item. Fossils allow for more specialized crafting than essences. They can increase the chances of rolling specific mods, exclude some types of mods, and even add special Delve-exclusive mods. This makes them a powerful tool for crafting high-end gear, as they can be used to narrow down the pool of possible mods and increase the chances of getting desired mods.

However, using fossils for crafting can be a bit more complex than using essences because they require the use of resonators and have to be found in the Azurite Mine. This means that players will have to participate in Delve content to acquire them.

8. Trading

Trading with other players can be a cost-effective way to get gear in Path of Exile Trial of the Ancestors League. Be polite, and don't be afraid to negotiate. Remember, you're not obligated to make a trade if the price isn't right.

POE 3.22 New Uniques in Trial of the Ancestors League

Each of the ten Karui tribes guard an exclusive unique item that embodies the essence of their tribe. These valuable heirlooms can only be earned by defeating that tribe in the Trial of the Ancestors. Hinekora, the Goddess of Death, also has four powerful unique items that may be offered to winners of the tournament.

  • Arohongui’s Tending

  • Bound Fate

  • Kitava’s Hunger