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How to quickly advance levels in Diablo 4

7/30/2023 10:37:45 PM

Are you looking for a leveling guide for Diablo 4? The first season of Diablo 4 has been released, and with it comes the requirement to make a new character and level them all the way up to 100 in order to access the seasonal content. In this guide, we will break down our full Diablo 4 leveling guide and explain how to get from level 1 to level 50 and from level 50 to level 100 in the most efficient way possible. This will allow you to click with the knowledge that you are working as quickly and effectively as possible.

This guide makes the obvious assumption that you are actually interested in maximizing your efficiency and XP gains. This guide is for those who want to enjoy the race from level 1-100 and therefore want to progress as quickly as possible. While there are currently no leaderboards for Diablo 4 Seasonal content, this guide is for those who want to enjoy the race.

Diablo 4: A Guide to Leveling, Levels 1 to 50
In Diablo 4 Season 1, if you want to level up quickly from 1 to 50, you should have already beaten the campaign on an Eternal Realm character, which refers to any character that was created before Season 1 was released.

It was strongly suggested that you collect all Altars of Lilith and uncover the entirety of the Diablo 4 map before beginning Season 1, as these will carry over to Seasonal characters, and it's anticipated that you might be able to collect the bonus XP from the Renown rewards that these should unlock. Before beginning Season 1, it was highly suggested that you collect all Altars of Lilith. In the event that this is the case, and our Seasonal alternate characters get these bonus XP rewards from instantly gaining the Renown for Altars of Lilith and uncovering the map, then you can anticipate to immediately jump to up to level 7 right off the bat. Reaching the Stronghold boss and then quitting the game is the best and most time-effective way to level up to level 50, despite the fact that completing a Stronghold is a one-and-done activity that technically cannot be repeated. Those who are looking for the most optimal and efficient way to reach level 50 should do this. When you load back into your character after returning to the main menu, you should find that all of the foes inside the Stronghold have been reset. This is because the Stronghold was reset before you entered it.

The Malnok and Nostrava Strongholds are located close to Kyovashad, and both require a minimum level of 15, making them the Strongholds in Diablo 4 with the lowest level requirements. Completing these Strongholds will take you between levels 12 and 17. You must keep resetting and playing through these Strongholds until you reach level 22, taking care not to finish any of them by ringing the bell at the conclusion of the level.

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From level 22 to level 32, you should grind exclusively in the Kor Dragan Stronghold in the Fractured Peaks zone. The final step is to complete the Temple of Rot Stronghold multiple times between levels 32 and 45. This will provide the quickest path to level 45, at which point you will be able to switch to World Tier 2 and easily finish the Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon. Despite the fact that it may not be the most exciting, it will provide the quickest route.

Compete on the World Tier 1 level.
In Diablo 4, players can choose from four different difficulties: Adventurer, Veteran, Nightmare, and Torment. When playing on the easiest difficulty, Adventurer, you start with a certain number of XP, which increases based on the number of monsters you kill.20% additional bonus for Veteran status, 100% additional bonus for Nightmare, and 200% additional bonus for Torment. Staying in World Tier 1 throughout Season 1 will provide you with the greatest opportunity for progression. When you have reached between level 45 and level 50 and are prepared to take on the Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon, you should make the switch to World Tier 2.

Participate in an event with your close companions.
You will receive a bonus amount of experience points whenever you play Diablo 4 multiplayer. In Diablo 4, you will receive a 5% XP bonus if you are within close proximity to another player. This holds true whenever you are in close proximity to another player, including a random person you come across while adventuring in the world. It is a 10% boost overall, rather than an additional 10% on top of the original 5% boost, but a 10% boost to your XP gain without any need to increase the difficulty is a significant increase. These bonuses do not stack, but a 10% boost to your XP gain is a significant increase.

Even better, playing Diablo 4 in multiplayer is typically simpler than playing the single-player campaign because your party will have more roles to fill than it would if you were playing alone. For instance, compared to a single player using either class, a pair of players using the Rogue and Barbarian will be able to kill demons more quickly thanks to the Crowd Control effects provided by the Rogue, which will make the Barbarian even more powerful. This means that you will advance through quests and dungeons at a faster rate, which in turn means that you will receive more experience points for completing these activities at a faster rate. The primary effect of each unique Elixir in Diablo 4 is distinct from the others. Elixirs, on the other hand, share a single effect: they speed up the rate at which you gain experience by 5% for a period of half an hour.

Because Elixirs can be crafted with relative ease in Diablo 4, the 5% increase in XP bonus is something that you will be able to take advantage of on a relatively regular basis. While you are out adventuring and completing content, you should collect these materials. Afterwards, return to a hub to concoct some Elixirs, which will increase your experience gain.

Leveling guide for Diablo 4 from level 50 to level 100
Once you have reached level 50, you will be able to advance to World Tier 3, at which point you will be able to concentrate almost exclusively on Nightmare Dungeons. These will be your primary means of leveling up throughout Season 1 as they are the best source of experience points available in the endgame.

Obviously, a good number of the previous points are still relevant.
You can unlock World Tier 4 by grinding in Nightmare Dungeons until you reach somewhere between level 65 and level 70, and then traveling to the Fallen Temple Capstone Dungeon and completing it. This will then grant another enormous XP bonus for the hardest difficulty, which you can make the most of by continuing to grind Nightmare Dungeons until you reach level 100 in order to maximize your experience gains.