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5 things you should do before the first season of Diablo 4 begins

7/15/2023 12:46:32 PM

On Thursday, July 20, Diablo 4's first season, titled "Season of the Malignant," will officially begin. In order to gain access to the new seasonal questline and items, you will need to generate a completely new character. There are a few things you can do right now to speed up the process of moving from level 1 to level 50 (and then level 100), and there are a few things you can do to make the journey easier. It is entirely up to you whether or not you want to keep playing as your current character, whom Diablo 4 refers to as an Eternal Realm character. The non-seasonal characters' normal mode in Diablo 4 is known as The Eternal Realm, which is a fancier name for the mode. Even though non-seasonal characters will never be able to enter the Seasonal Realm, some of their progression will carry over. I have ranked all five things that you can do to get ready for the first season of Diablo 4 and ordered them by how important they are. There is nothing in this that must be done, but completing any of these steps will help you get a head start on the newest activities this season has to offer.
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1. Bring an end to the campaignIt is only necessary for you to complete Diablo 4's six-act campaign once before the game will allow you to bypass it on any future character you create, including holiday-themed characters. If you are only a little more than half way through it and you decide to make a new character on the Seasonal Realm, you will be required to begin the process all over again. The fact that the new seasonal questline and the new rare seasonal gems won't be available until after the campaign has ended is the only reason why this is a problem. You must either complete the campaign ahead of time and make the decision to bypass it with your new seasonal character, or you must complete it on the Seasonal Realm. It is strongly recommended that you finish the campaign so that you are not trapped in it when the new season begins. If you do so, you will be better prepared for all future seasons. Whenever you create a new character, you will have the option to bypass the campaign and begin the game at level one with a variety of endgame activities to choose from.

This option will be available to you

  • There is a good chance that doing those things will net you a much greater amount of experience than participating in the campaign

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  • Identify each of the 160 Lilith Altars

  • You'll find statues called Altars of Lilith strewn about the open world

  • These statues allow you to interact with them in order to receive permanent, minor stat bonuses

  • They also confer renown upon you for the region in which you discovered them

  • Your entire account, which includes all of your characters, will benefit permanently from each Altar of Lilith that you discover, and the bonuses and Renown associated with those Altars will be carried over into each new season

  • Although the statistics are impressive, the renown you earn is what will really kickstart your leveling experience for each season

  • When you have gathered enough Renown in a region, you will be rewarded with additional skill points, Paragon points, potion capacity, and Orbol capacity if you have completed everything there is to do in that region

  • Altars of Lilith are one of six things that are required in order to fully complete the Renown bonuses for a region

You will be able to begin the season with a powerful level 1 character who can quickly advance through the early levels if you complete them ahead of schedule.3. Explore each and every region depicted on the map.

Every character on your account, including seasonal characters, will always have access to the fog of war once you reveal the cloudy parts of Diablo 4's map. This feature is also known as the fog of war. You'll be able to easily pinpoint the locations of towns and dungeons with the help of a clear map, but more importantly, you'll earn more renown in that area for having such a map. If you have a higher Renown, you will begin the game with additional skill points and capacity for potions. If you are beginning from scratch and have a campaign to complete, or if you have been following the tips provided in the previous sections, map discovery will occur naturally. While you are dashing between different objectives or Altars of Lilith, be sure to sneak into parts of the map that you have not yet explored so that you can save time later. Since the amount of renown gained from exploring a new region is relatively insignificant, you should prioritize exploring the Altars of Lilith if you have a restricted amount of time.4. Pick a course to enroll in.

Seasons in Diablo 4 are kind of like fun experiments that last for a handful of months, which means that they are the perfect excuse to play a class that you haven't touched yet. Seasons also change the look of the game world. The new items and changes to the game's overall balance will have an effect on how each class is played, and the relatively short length of each season helps ensure that no single build outstays its welcome. The full list of changes to the game's balance is scheduled to be released on July 18, and while the current standing of each class may change as a result, the provisional tier list reads as follows (in descending order of quality):Rogue (Huge build variety, strong for endgame)Barbarian (Good build variety, strong for endgame)The Necromancer offers a diverse range of build options and is effective in late game.(Limited build options, but excellent for late-game play) DruidSorcerer (Good build variety, weak for endgame)Some classes are much more effective than others when it comes to completing end-game content such as Nightmare Dungeons, while others are simply a lot of fun to level up. You shouldn't worry too much about the class rankings because we don't yet know what the Malignant Hearts in season 1 will look like.

Instead, you should choose a class that you think you'll enjoy, either because of the way it looks or because it has a skill that you particularly like using.5. Begin as an Adventurer on the World's First Tier

If you want to reach level 50 and World Tier 3 as quickly as possible, you should begin your journey on World Tier 1, also known as the Adventurer difficulty. Although playing on World Tier 1 does not provide any benefits to the amount of experience points or gold that are dropped, the process of leveling up is significantly less difficult than when playing on World Tier 2. I would only suggest moving up to World Tier 2 if you are prepared to take your time and engage in combat with monsters that present some degree of difficulty. If this is not the case, you should make it your priority to unlock and complete the capstone dungeon so that you can advance to World Tier 3 as quickly as possible. Once you have entered, you will be able to begin collecting Unique and Sacred items. You can effectively bypass a portion of the leveling process and go straight to World Tier 3 if you choose to do so. On July 20, the first season of Diablo 4 will become available.