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Forgive Me Side Quest Guide - Diablo 4

5/16/2023 5:18:00 PM

This guide provides information on where the Forgive Me Side Quest can be picked up, the objectives of the quest, maps, strategies, tips, and, where applicable, information about pre-requisites and follow-up quests. You can find all of this information below. In the game Diablo IV, you'll find the zone known as Fractured Peaks.

You will be rewarded with increasing sums of gold and experience for completing side quests, in addition to receiving an additional 20 points of renown for the region. It is in your best interest to accept and finish as many of the available Side Quests in a given zone as you possibly can because some of them offer one-of-a-kind caches of valuable crafting materials or gear rewards. If you do this, you will be able to get the most out of the zone. It is in your best interest to accept and finish as many of the available Side Quests in a given zone as you possibly can. This will increase your overall experience and reputation in the zone.

We ask that you refer to our guide in order to obtain a detailed summary of all of the optional quests that are currently available in Fractured Peaks:

  • Side Quests and Other Adventures Connected to the Fractured Peaks RegionPLEASE EXCUSE ME, BUT I WOULD LIKE TO RUN DOWN SOME QUICK FACTS ON DIABLO IV


  • Forgive MeLocate Roza and give the note to her, but be sure that it is stained with blood before you do so

You'll find this location in the Kor Dragan Barracks, which are found in the Fractured Peaks region of the world.

The Bloodied Note is a piece of loot that can be discovered on the ground, and picking it up will trigger the beginning of the quest.

Roza is the location that will ultimately resolve the quest's objective for the player.

As the recommended level, a minimum of a five out of ten is required as the minimum requirement.

Prerequisite(s): None

Resulting in: the absence of anything


Sorry to Bother You, But Could You Please State Your Objectives? This is the scenario: a bereaved wife, whose husband has disappeared, and a note that connects the three of them together, with you in the middle of it all. Your discovery of this note will send you on a mission to either grant a destitute woman's wish for peace or put her through her worst nightmare. Your choice will determine the outcome of this mission. Your decision will determine how successful the mission ultimately is. These are the rules for the game. Forgive MeFind the note that has been splattered with blood as your first order of business. When you first enter the dungeon of the Kor Dragan Barracks, it may seem as though you are exploring some other old and deserted building when in fact, you are in the dungeon of the Kor Dragan Barracks. On the other hand, the truth is that you are currently located in the dungeon of the Kor Dragan Barracks. That is, until you travel through the world and run into Elite Julek, Herald of Woe. At that point, everything changes.

After you have given Julek what is coming to him, the Bloodied Note will be scattered about among the spoils that he has collected. You can find it after you have given Julek what is coming to him. As soon as you are in possession of it, you will be provided with instructions on how to locate Roza. Find RozaSince Roza is no longer there to prevent you from finishing that business before you leave the dungeon, you are free to do so now that she is no longer there to do so. You can find Roza if you travel to the western region of the map and check out Menestad. Alternately, if you have the Waypoint unlocked, you can use it to get there faster. This option is only available if you have unlocked it.

You will hear a woman with a frantic tone to her voice calling out to you from the area that is to the north of the Waypoint as you make your way through the town. She will inquire as to whether or not you have come across a person named Julek. Unmistakably, that would be Roza. The situation is about to take a turn for the worse, which will make everyone's lives significantly more difficult. Step 3: Hand the Bleeding Note to the Individual You Have in Mind to Be the Recipient of It. As soon as you give Roza the note, she will immediately start pleading with you to tell her where her husband can be found. You shouldn't give her any information about her husband while he's currently doing his best impression of a shattered pinata while he's lying on the floor of the dungeon. She might get upset. She is going through such a rough patch emotionally that she decides to go off by herself to the forest and bury herself in the snow.

Please forgive me, and point me in the right direction. After the quest has been completed, you can return to Roza for a second conversation in order to receive the full monster experience. It is highly recommended that players, and barbarians in particular, complete the dungeon located within the Kor Dragan Barracks before turning in this quest. This is due to the fact that if they do so, then upon successfully completing the dungeon, they will be awarded the Aspect of Anemia for doing so. Because a quest objective for the Menestad Coffers quest is located quite close to the dungeon entrance and both quests culminate in Menestad, it is not a terrible idea to finish this quest while also working on the Menestad Coffers quest. This is because the Menestad Coffers quest culminates in Menestad.

Your Reward for Being Able to Let Go of Your Resentment toward MeEvery time the player uses the ability 'Forgive Me,' they will receive a bonus of +20 Fractured Peaks to their total. You will also receive Gold and Renown in addition to Experience that is Proportional to Your Level. The level you are currently at will determine the amount of Experience you receive.