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Menestad Coffers Side Quest Guide - Diablo 4

5/15/2023 5:18:00 PM

This guide provides information about the locations where the Menestad Coffers Side Quest can be picked up, the objectives of the quest, maps, strategies, and tips, as well as, where applicable, information about pre-requisites and follow-up quests. In the video game Diablo IV, you'll find the zone known as Fractured Peaks.
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You will be rewarded with increasing sums of gold and experience for completing side quests, in addition to receiving an additional 20 points of renown for the region. It is in your best interest to accept and finish as many of the available Side Quests in a given zone as you possibly can because some of them offer one-of-a-kind caches of valuable crafting materials or gear rewards. If you do this, you will be able to get the most out of the zone. It is in your best interest to accept and finish as many of the available Side Quests in a given zone as you possibly can. This will increase your overall experience and reputation in the zone.

We ask that you refer to our guide in order to obtain a detailed summary of all of the optional quests that are currently available in Fractured Peaks:

Side Quests and Other Adventures Connected to the Fractured Peaks RegionCOFFEES BROUGHT TO YOU BY MENESTADQUICK FACTS ABOUT DIABLO 4Menestad CoffersWhen it comes to collecting tithes, a tithe collector will become increasingly impatient if they are running behind schedule.

This location can be found in Kyovashad as well as in Fractured Peaks, both of which are located in the Broken Mountains.

Quest Start: Kudomyla

It is not possible to complete the quest without speaking with Telgun, the Merchant Lord. This is required in order to do so.

Recommended Level: Level 5+

Prerequisite(s): None

Resulting in: the absence of anything


1. The following is a list of the objectives of the Menestad Coffers:Kudomyla is concerned, to varying degrees, about a missing Monk and missing money, and she wants you to investigate and find out where both of these things are

2.  She also wants you to find out where the missing money is

3.  Additionally, she wants you to discover the location of the Monk

4.  Menestad's Expendable Funds:The Twisting and Turning Route That Runs Through the DungeonTalk to KudomylaYou can find Kudomyla in the region that is situated immediately to the left of the location of the Kyovashad Waypoint

5.  She will be standing in close proximity to a few boxes and a large cooking pot

6.  She explains that Bozan, a Monk at the Cathedral of Light, is returning to Kyovashad with tithes from Menestad late, and that this is causing a delay for the Cathedral as a result of the delay

7.  She also mentions that this delay is causing a delay for her

8.  She asks you to search for him along the path that leads from Menestad to Kyovashad because she is worried about him

9.  After all, the Cathedral can't function properly without its gold

In the second step of the procedure, it is necessary to check and see if Monk Bozan has access to the road that leads to Menestad. If you leave Kyovashad and take the road that leads north, you will arrive at the location shown for the quest very quickly.

This area is home to a few small enemy packs, but none of them pose a significant threat to the player at this point in time. After you have crossed a bridge in the Crag of Ill Wind sub zone, you will find a battered Monk Bozan on the right side of the road. He is standing in the middle of the road. This location is not far from the beginning of the quest area's uppermost section.

Step 3: Respond to each and every One of the RequestsRegarding the giving of the Tithe, Bozan explains that the tax collector is reviled by everyone, which was to be expected, and as a direct result of this, the tax collector's guards assaulted him. Bozan also mentions that the tax collector's guards assaulted him. Even though he sustained severe wounds, he was able to survive; however, he will require some time to recover (in addition to returning to Kyovashad for further assistance). You were supposed to have a conversation with Menestad about the tithing requirements, so why don't you just go ahead and do that? There is not the slightest possibility of physical harm coming to you; employees in this industry are never the targets of aggressive behavior.

After obtaining the Tithing Demands from the chest to Bozan's right, proceed to Menestad in the west, where you should arrive in a short amount of time. The chest containing the Tithing Demands is located in this area. Telgun, the Merchant Lord, is currently standing close to the Waypoint and patiently waiting for you to arrive. He merely cannot contain his excitement at the prospect of finally meeting you in person. It is recommended that you wait around for a few seconds after you have turned in the quest, as it is possible that Bozan will still have a need for those knights even after you have turned in the quest.

Instructions and Guidance Concerning the Menestad CoffersIf you do not remember to pick up the Tithing Demands while you are traveling to Menestad, you will be required to make the journey back if you find that you require them. This is the case even if you do not realize that you require them at the time. Do not forget to acquire the Menestad Waypoint; this region of the Fractured Peaks is home to a good number of quests and dungeons, and the waypoint will prove to be extremely useful once the Kor Dragan stronghold has been reclaimed. You will have the opportunity to accept a new side quest called "Forgive Me" while you are inside the Kor Dragan Barracks, which are located a little to the northeast of where Monk Bozan is located. If you choose to do so, you will be able to do so. In the event that you are in the mood for it and you are at this location, you can engage in an activity known as dungeon crawling. The location of the fourth Altar of Lilith, which can be found in close proximity to Monk Bozan and to the east of him, is denoted by a symbol on our map that depicts all of the Lilith altars.

A variety of rewards are available to be taken from the Menestad Coffers. Those who are able to open the Menestad Coffers will be rewarded with an additional +20 Fractured Peaks. When a Salvage Cache is successfully completed, the player will be rewarded with renown, a quantity of gold, and experience that is proportional to their level, in addition to a Salvage Cache.

SIDE QUEST GUIDES BY ZONE FOR DIABLO IVPlease refer to the respective guides if you are interested in consulting a list of all of the side quests that are currently available, organized by zone. At this point in time, the only information we have is pertaining to the Side Quests that are available in the Fractured Peaks zone. These quests are optional and can be completed at the player's own pace. As more and more data becomes available, new items of information will be added to the list as they become available.