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It will take approximately 80 hours to complete all of Diablo 4's Battle Passes

4/14/2023 9:12:16 PM

Now that fans have had a couple of weekends to get a grasp on how the game will play and what they can anticipate upon its release, Diablo 4 developer Blizzard has begun to reveal a little bit more about the post-game content that will be included in the final product. Due to the fact that Diablo 4 is a live-service title, it is reasonable to anticipate that the game's post-game will be fairly meaty and extensive, which will keep all of us playing. Blizzard is hoping that the game's Battle Passes will contribute in some way toward achieving this goal. They will, at the very least, be a time sink, as Diablo 4 associate game director Joe Piepiora recently disclosed in an interview (thanks to PC Gamer) that completing the game's Battle Passes will take approximately 80 hours of gameplay time. In addition to this, you will need to keep playing for an even longer period of time if you want your character to reach the maximum level. This means that if you want to max out a single character, you should probably plan on spending close to 90 or 100 hours per season playing the game. According to Piepiora, the current battle pass requires an investment of time equal to approximately 80 hours if you want to complete all of its components.

This is the case when you take into account the fact that you must also finish the season journey in addition to all of the other content in the game. It may take a little bit longer than that for a character to level up to level 100 depending on how you play the game. Blizzard has previously stated that each season of Diablo 4 will last approximately three months, which means that you will have a little more than 90 days to spread out the required 80 hours of gameplay if you are determined to complete each Battle Pass as it becomes available. The more dedicated players out there probably won't care too much about that, especially considering that taking part in each seasonal journey will get players the majority of the way there on their own without any additional effort. If you are more of a casual player, the prospect of committing that much time to Diablo 4's endgame may seem intimidating; therefore, you should give it some thought before attempting it. However, Piepiora seems to understand that this level of investment may not be particularly appealing for a lot of people, and he emphasizes that Diablo 4's post-game is not necessary for players who simply want to experience the story.

Piepiora explains that Blizzard has made it so grinding in the endgame is not the only way to play Diablo 4, and that this feature makes it easy for players to return to the game whenever a new expansion or batch of story content is made available

- It is still anticipated that Diablo 4 will be released on June 6 later this year

- At that point, we should finally be able to get our teeth into that story

- In spite of the impending acquisition by Microsoft, Diablo 4 will be playable on virtually all systems, including personal computers, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X