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Elden Ring Classes Guide - Which is The Best Class To Choose & Its Advantage

8/29/2022 6:08:20 PM

In Elden Ring, players need to choose a career and start a new adventure. Whether players can choose a career that suits them, to a large extent, determines whether they can survive and become stronger step by step. Many novice friends do not know what occupations can be selected in Elden Ring. For this reason, we introduce to you all classes of Elden Ring, what class should you choose, and a  detailed explanation of the advantages of each class.


Elden Ring Classes Guide - Which is The Best Class To Choose & Its Advantage

1. Samurai is a popular profession. Attributes: Samurai's strength and agility are high, and their sensitivity is low. Because the sensitivity is relatively special, it is beneficial to have a relatively low attribute (because the total attribute points of all classes are the same, low sensitivity means more investment in other attribute points.)

Samurai bring long-range in the early stage, so it is easier to deal with a large number of enemies. In the middle and late stage, the transformation is also relatively simple, so it is recommended to samurai!

2. The stargazer has two spells at the beginning. In the early stage, it is relatively easy to fight against small monsters. When it comes to playing boss, it will be harder. However, it will be easier to have soul help. It is also a role worth recommending at the beginning.

3. The prisoner is equivalent to a weakened version of the stargazer. The advantage is that the professional belief is relatively low, so the professional formation (intelligence, intelligence / sensitivity) will be stronger than the stargazer.

4. It will be a little difficult to use the secret envoy at the initial stage. If you are playing the faith department, you can recommend it. This professional round table merchant has a high utilization rate, so that the Confessor can quickly have good long-distance ability.

5. Compared with the secret envoy, the prophet and the secret envoy are not much different even in the early and middle stages. However, due to the difference in induction, they are easier to use than the secret envoy.

6. The maximum life limit and attack and defense attributes of the wandering Knight are quite good. However, this game has a demand for long-range attacks, so the professional short board is also obvious, which is suitable for players who like to play close combat.

7. Brave people have a little too much consumption induction, so if you want to create a character that plays heavy weapons with pure strength, you can choose this hero. Otherwise, if you want to play melee, the wanderer is better.

8. Thieves are difficult to form, so it is not recommended. Although they have certain long-range ability, they can make do with close combat, but they are not as aggressive as those heroes above. If you like to explore, you can play this role. After all, the sensing ability is suitable for exploration.

9. Swordsman, like to play double swords, you can choose him at the beginning, but no matter how you play, you will be destroyed by other professions.

10. The most needy and favorite occupation of the strongest player. If you think you can, try it.