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New World Player Population 2022 - What Impacts The New World Popularity

8/15/2022 11:56:05 AM

Today we're going to talk about New Worlds' player population and what impact the summer event is having on that number and if the number has gone up let's talk about why. So unless you've not been following New World's population at all, you'll likely know that obviously, we had a massive number of people play this game when it launched, and slowly but surely the number has been trickling down. Honestly, most patches that have been released for the game haven't changed that fact.

In reality, there has only been one month where the playing numbers have actually gone slightly up and that was in April and that's probably a little bit misleading. In April we got the Heart of Madness and we did get a new weapon the blunderbuss, but we also had the double XP weekend. Very importantly, we also had a free weekend of the game on steam. That basically meant that anybody could play it and even with all of that the play numbers increased by about 3.5%. Every other month has been a steady decline, however right now this month we are seeing the player numbers increase a little. So players are coming back to New World. 

Now whilst August obviously isn't finished, there's a good chance that August will end up higher than April. And it'll be our first proper month of an increase, it appears that our repeat times before this patch were approximately around 17 000 whereas no they're actually quite close to 25 000. New World will sustain it like a peak player of 25k for the rest of August but it'll still maintain a relatively healthy playbase that's higher than before.

Why did people come back to New World right now? When we have the update the group find and the new expedition are not currently in the game, so we can rule them out as being a factor. Removing the expedition orbs has definitely been a positive and that may have brought some plays back. It will be that significant, it's likely the fact that this patch has brought back players because there's actually stuff for casuals to do now. Sure there are a few good changes, it's the Summerfaire event itself as well as the new music profession. 

Because they really just add to what casuals can do when they log on and obviously if you're a hardcore player, you can do it as well. You're not excluded from the content in any way. Summerfaire basically brings a reputation grind and a token system, it is seasonal so it's going to go away. Whilst it will likely come back next year, it sort of feels like a now or never kind of thing because you don't want to wait a year that just doesn't seem like reasonably fun at all. When we look at the rewards, most of the rewards are actually just fun non-consequential rewards. 

There are some good armor patterns, even a fishing trophy. But really the rest of it is just like cosmetic items, such as emotes, skins, and housing decorations. Nothing that's really going to completely change your game. The way that you sort of level this and get the tokens, your fish, and you play the music that sounds quite relaxing and enjoyable. It isn't like hardcore elite gameplay or anything like that, but you know what's actually really important is that it gives players a reason to log on because you've got something to do you can log on and try and get these rewards.


Let's not forget the music profession, it's rock band slash guitar hero. It's fun to mess about with. If you're really into that kind of game mode in the past, then you're going to like it in New World and it adds a possible future collectible with the music songs. It would have been really cool if they would have added a music sheet at the end of the reputation grind for the Summerfaire. It's just casual content, it gives you a reason to play. If you're a casual player who's not like logging in, it gives you a reason to log in. 

If you have decent 625 gear that you're really not that bothered about changing, there's not really been much reason to log in apart from obviously if you wanted to do an outpost rush or you want to do an expedition. But a lot of players like to feel like they're progressing at least at some sort and we've not really had that and this patch sort of gives you that. We will actually sort of sustain this slight increase in popularity for a little bit and that's because, at the end of next month, the game will have been out for pretty much a year, there will be a massive patch. 

They've been working on it for the year with the feedback they've had since launch. So numbers are up not by an insane amount, but it's significant. Because it appears that this will be the first legitimate way that the game has had an increase in numbers.